We’re launching a new era in Bloomington.
This week we’re presenting the proposed 2023 budget – the single most important policy document we have. It’s transformative.
Just by the numbers: our 2023 civil city budget of $129 million is a 20% increase from 2022. When you add utilities, transit, and our housing authority, the $229 million is a 29% increase. Those are exceptional – transformative – increases.
First let me say this is a fiscally responsible budget. It reflects the new Economic Development Local Income Tax (ED-LIT) passed unanimously by our City Council last spring. And it reflects strong growth of our property values and overall economic health. We remain a low-tax city and county, when comparing ourselves across Indiana (which itself is a relatively low-tax state).
More importantly, this transformative budget moves us into a better future -- more sustainable, more equitable, and more inclusive:
We already have a great transit system, but an additional nearly $4 million per year will help us be among the very best in the nation. We just won $7 million in federal dollars for 8 new all-electric buses (the only Hoosier city to get such a grant). We will be developing an east-west bus-rapid-transit line, new micro-transit options, and more frequent and Sunday services
We have an excellent Climate Action Plan developed through extensive public engagement – now we will have over $1.6 million annually to make it real
For the first time ever, we will have annual local funding for affordable housing -- $1 million per year
We are investing to keep our public safety departments the most progressive and effective in the state – with better compensation, better equipment, and better facilities – all transparent and accountable to our community, and nationally accredited
We are investing in our city employees to be a true “employer of choice” – offering great careers in public service, with outstanding training, working conditions, and benefits
These are challenging times for public service – so much disaffection and so much worry about our democracy itself. Our state government takes outrageous actions eliminating reproductive rights and worshipping the gun industry while disrespecting public school teachers. Thank goodness our federal government is a strong partner in embracing the future.
I’m so proud of our hard-working city employees, and so many partners who help our city thrive. I’m also very proud of a transformative 2023 budget – truly defining a new era of inclusion and progress. We have a very bright future. And working with the City Council to pass this new budget, we are positioned to walk the walk and help Bloomington shine.
Thank you for what you do to help all this happen. The midterms are coming fast, so please do get active in helping elect progressive, ambitious Democrats.
Democratically yours,
John Hamilton
P.S. Don’t miss the upcoming 8th Hamilton Family Picnic tradition – on Sunday, September 25th, from 4 to 7pm. We’ll again be at Switchyard Park’s Pavillion, with music and food to share, as we mingle and mix, hear from candidates, and activate for critical mid-term and local elections. Be there!!