
During this election season I’ve mostly held my tongue, but have to share a few thoughts. Both in the mayor’s race and city council races, I hear some candidates playing to anti-government tropes and maligning public servants. Or baselessly accusing that a dysfunction plagues our government.

Politics of course often sees hyperbole or caricature. That’s perhaps unavoidable. But facts are important. And these tropes are just wrong.

The truth is that our city government is filled with dedicated public servants who over the past 7+ years have delivered outstanding results for our community. I’ve been privileged to be your Mayor and to lead a team of 850 city workers who are an inspiration. Progressive values have been put into action. Our city council has supported this progress, with a vibrant democracy front and center. 

Here are some facts about Bloomington:

We have the best public-safety services in the state. No other Indiana city has both a nationally accredited police department and a highest-rated fire department like us. Not one. Overall crime rates continue to decline, and in 7 years our firefighters have saved 11 people and lost 1 life to fire – an unprecedented record. 

Our economy is humming. We’ve had over $3.5 Billion invested and thousands of new jobs created, with local wages climbing faster than peer cities. Including small business growth, and the fastest growing co-work space in the state at The Mill.

We’ve made unprecedented progress on affordable housing. Together we’ve created or preserved nearly 1,400 units of affordable housing, a twenty-fold increase over our previous pace. Nearly 25% of the 5,600 new units in our city are affordable units including over a hundred for supportive housing. 

Our quality of life is unsurpassed. Parks employees earned a second national gold medal because of amazing Switchyard Park and 30 miles of trails and 2,300 acres of natural beauty and so much more. Our artists and foodies and musicians have come through the pandemic – with significant public support – and keep our city lively. People keep coming to Bloomington because it’s a great place to live and work.

We’re creating the nation’s best digital equity access. Before summer, thousands of our households will have access to gigabit-speed, net-neutral fiber internet, and nearly every household will by next year. And every low-income household in our city – on disability, welfare, free/reduced lunch, public housing, and more – will get internet service at no cost. It’s a first in the nation and a game-changer for our future.

We’re leading the way on climate. We are investing meaningful annual funding in our first-ever Climate Action Plan, and we just founded Project 46, a regional, bi-partisan coalition of 3 counties working together to lower our carbon footprint and improve sustainability.

Those are facts about our city that our city government has helped make happen. 

Do we face challenges? Of course! Like every city in America. When I came into office, we had dilapidated fire engines, lake water threatening to violate federal safety standards, and a 1950s era sanitation system injuring our employees. We met those needs and much more. And we must keep addressing gun violence, addiction, homelessness, public health, and more. All this while facing a reactionary state government that destroys reproductive freedom, civil liberties, and public education, while worshipping guns and property rights. 

Many repeat the trope that our local governments can’t get along, are at loggerheads. The fact is that every day, city and county government cooperate beautifully and intensively to bring quality services to the public – in police and fire services, in planning, in parks, in animal welfare, in streets and utilities and much more.

True, some parts of local government disagree sometimes – not a surprise. We’ve had different opinions about annexation and zoning, or whether and how to expand the convention center or the jail. But democracy isn’t a tea party. Disagreements are expected and get worked out through the process. It’s ok. It’s democracy. 

And you know what, when it matters most our community has come together magnificently. During the terrible pandemic, our local governments and partners at IU and IUHealth set a standard for the state on local cooperation. Our weekly press conferences and intensive collaboration saved lives and informed and sustained our community.

That’s who we are. A city government filled with great people doing great things for us every day. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Don’t succumb to the finger-pointing and blame games. Let’s stick to facts and expect our candidates to be specific about how they plan to improve our wonderful, thriving Bloomington.

Democratically yours,

John Hamilton

P.S. It’s time to vote!! Early voting started April 4th, and Election Day is May 2nd. Because of what I’ve noted above and because I know him well, I’ll be voting enthusiastically for Don Griffin for Mayor. (See his new video here.)He’s got the vision and the positive embrace of our progressive values to keep our great momentum going. I hope you’ll join me and support all our candidates who lean into the future and embrace that direction.