I hope you can join a bunch of Democrats for a fresh-air, pandemic-sensitive gathering on Sunday afternoon – the 7th annual Hamilton Family Picnic!
We’re at Switchyard Park for the first time! With great music and food, it’s a chance to get safely (back) together and remember how important it is to elect Democrats up and down the ballot next year.
We’ll be following protocols to stay safe, including different food service and distancing measures. I hope you all are vaccinated too, because that’s the single most important thing you can do to keep our community and your family safe, as well as end this pandemic.
Do we need any reminders about the stakes ahead? Keep a Democratic U.S. House and Senate, so Biden and Harris can keep restoring our country together with them. Send a wake-up call to Indiana’s regressive, repressive legislature, that Democrats are storming back. Elect local Democrats who will help us address climate change, and inclusion, and economic fairness.
I’m still in shock about Texas and abortion rights. That in this country at this time, millions of women have had a fundamental constitutional right brazenly stolen by the men dominating the Republican Party (87% of their legislators are men). This outrage of course threatens us all – BTW Indiana legislators are taking notes – and clarifies how radical our US Supreme Court really is. If we had Justices Garland and Ginsburg 2.0, as we should, what a difference that would have made. We Democrats have our work cut out for us.
So please get together again, as you are comfortable, to talk, plan, support and energize for our next chapters. Hope to see you Sunday between 4 and 7!!
Democratically yours,
P.S. I’ll encourage you to also consider attending the observance to be held for the 20th anniversary of 9/11. Every year our local firefighters (led by our friend Bob Loviscek) and Ivy Tech host a moving memorial ceremony. You’ll be glad you went – this Saturday at 9am in front of the local 9/11 memorial at Ivy Tech’s campus.