We changed history on Tuesday, November 3rd. That’s what elections do, and what more than 80 million Biden/Harris voters did. Congratulations and celebrations are in order! 

And some deep breaths. Because it was so close. And because we lost a lot of other important races, around the country and in Indiana. We do take pride in another Democratic sweep in Monroe County, our Blue home.

I’ll quote again President Lincoln near the end of the brutal Civil War, saying “there was always just enough virtue in this republic to save it; sometimes none to spare, but still enough to meet the emergency.”

Amen to that, and may it ever be so.

Now we move forward: the hard work begins again, to meet the emergencies. 

We first have a pandemic to be handled over the coming months. It will be difficult, and dangerous. But we will get through it in 2021, I’m confident.

I’m excited to think of what Bloomington can do over the coming years. Our progressive community can build a future – recover forward – with more equity, more racial justice, more climate stewardship.

I’m also excited and proud that my wife Dawn is in the middle of the Biden/Harris transition effort. She’s joining leaders from around the country, working tirelessly to help assure that the new administration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris can begin the recovery immediately at noon on January 20th. There is so much repair to be done!! This is Dawn’s third Presidential transition effort – it always feels good to see the energy and idealism kick in: elections matter.

It was an unusual Thanksgiving this year, with fewer family members gathered – quieter, more subdued. But let’s be thankful that we are in position to turn the page, and take up again the shared yoke that we shoulder toward justice and opportunity. 

Democratically yours,


P.S.  Please reach out and thank our recent Democratic candidates for putting themselves in the fray for us. It’s not easy, and win or lose, they earn our respect and thanks. And please consider helping out in Georgia, where candidates Warnock and Ossoff will decide the US Senate’s balance of power by January 5th. Lend Stacey Abrams a hand – details at FairFight