December 2019 Newsletter


I hope you all had a fine Thanksgiving with family and friends. Thanks to all who voted several weeks ago, and congratulations to our four new city council Democrats: Matt Flaherty, Kate Rosenbarger, Sue Sgambelluri, and Ron Smith, who will join five returning members and Clerk Bolden and me for the next four-year term of office.

Please do mark Inauguration Day on your calendar, Wednesday, January 1st, 2020. At noon, we’ll have a big swearing in ceremony for all the just-elected local officials, some remarks, and then a nice social gathering, all at City Hall. Please join us and help your local Democratic officials commence our terms of public service. We’re all in this together.

One more local event I want to bring to your attention: this coming Friday, December 6th, Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s husband Chasten, and his national campaign manager, Mike Schmuhl, are going to be in Bloomington for a fundraiser for Mayor Pete. This is a big deal, to have one of our four leading current national presidential candidate’s team in town.

Event sponsorships for attendance are $250 and up, and I hope some of you will consider attending.

 Let me say that every one of our Democratic presidential candidates would be better by a country mile than current #45. And I’ll work my tail off to help elect whomever we nominate at our convention. I hope you will too, because it’s critical we salvage our country from the debacle we’re seeing now

That said, I have personally endorsed Mayor Pete for president, as a fellow Hoosier mayor, and as a friend of mine. I’m not against any of the other fine candidates. I just know Pete personally and have such great respect for him and his talent, message and leadership, that when he asked me to endorse him, I said yes.  You can see the letter I signed with 50 other mayors here. 

Wherever you are on the presidential race, do consider showing up for an event for one of the leading candidates to show them Bloomington matters! And that we appreciate them showing up in our community, and helping our party find the right candidate to lead us out of this national nightmare.

Have a great holiday season, and get ready for 2020!!

Democratically yours,


Ps: Remember to join us for Inauguration Day and Ceremony, at Noon on Wednesday, January 1st, at City Hall.  Free parking!  Free refreshments!!  Free democracy!!!