November 2016 Newsletter


Our 2016 election ends tomorrow, through which we will set a course for the years ahead. For our community, our state, and our nation. I urge you to give a strong final push to help steer us well!

I have been inspired and energized by seeing so many people jump in to help – canvassing neighborhoods, making calls, donating money, talking to friends and colleagues – including hundreds of young people here in Bloomington.

It’s demoralizing (infuriating?) at times to hear some of the directions being proposed – to divide our country, to cultivate and feed fear and resentments, to threaten whole groups of people, to hamstring government help for college students, or seniors, or those needing health insurance. The distressing tone of so much of this election demands not retreat but greater engagement. Let’s double down and dig in!

That’s all I want to say now, before this election. Remember how much progress we have made together, by working together, and aiming high. Remember what a difference it makes to elect the right people. From President to Governor to County Council to School Board member – it all matters. Thanks for the continued hope and constant effort. Good ideas and good people win in the end.

Don’t wake up on the morning of Wednesday November 8th wishing you had done more. Remember, Yes We Can!! We are Stronger Together!!

Democratically yours,


Ps: Whatever happens on Election Day, Dawn and I hope you’ll join us for another New Years Eve party, Saturday, December 31st to welcome in 2017. Don’t miss it!