Thank you so much for helping me become Mayor of Bloomington. I’ve been thrilled with the privilege to serve and help our community continue to thrive and improve. And I wouldn’t have had the chance without your help. It means so much to Dawn and me.
I’ve ridden sanitation trucks, street sweepers, police cruisers, traipsed through water treatment plants, fire stations, and local factories, had brownbag lunches with employees and nonprofit boards and participated in town halls and planning sessions all across town. It’s exciting to sense such potential, and see where city government can help.
We know we need more good-paying jobs, more affordable housing, stronger public schools, and a more transparent, innovative, effective government. That’s what we’ve been working on every day since January 1st, and will continue over the next four years.
While national and state politics are at times sources of distress, I see every day what a difference we can make with our local efforts. And I sincerely appreciate your support in helping this progressive community show how a diverse, creative, compassionate place can chart a positive path where people from all walks of life can enjoy a good life together.
Politics matters, at the local, state, national, and global levels. I hope and trust you will be engaged in helping good people get into office this fall – important choices lie ahead! Thanks for being involved. Dawn and I look forward to seeing you around town, at the market, at a show, at school, on the street. And I hope you’ll tell me where I should be and what I can do to be helpful. We both so deeply appreciate the chance you have given us to help our beloved community reach for a more just, peaceful, bright future.
Let’s keep in touch, OK?
John (& Dawn)